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February 18, 2019

Club Calendar

February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month

2/21 Regular Meeting - Kha McDonald - "Walking in My Shoes...Without Getting Your Feet Wet"
2/28 Regular Meeting-Special Guest-You don't want to miss this one!
3/7 Regular Meeting - Mike Stephenson - Thomas County News
3/14 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

2/1 Clay Campbell
2/5 Gregory Adams
2/5 Claire Bowen
2/9 Michele Arwood
2/11 Nick Murray
2/12 Lorraine Williams Rahming
2/15 Tom Callaway, III
2/16 Renee Oliveto
2/19 Tom Harrison, Jr.
2/19 Marta Turner
2/25 Shelley Zorn
2/27 Ronnie Godwin


2/4 Bob Ackerman (51)
2/15 Erik von Hellens (18)
2/22 Eugene McNease (52)
2/28 John Archer, Sr. (5)


2/1 Bradford Jackson (25)
2/1 Marta Turner (25)
2/1 Tom Hill (46)
2/1 Russell Chubb (42)
2/4 Nancy Tillinghast (20)
2/5 Al Nicholson (4)
9 years in Rotary
2/8 Joe Tarver (1)
2/26 Nate Tyler (21)
2/26 Al Bryan (4)
2/27 Shelba Sellers (4)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 May 1, 1921
Active Membership: 141 FacebookInstagram

ROTARY CLUB OF Thomasville
PO Box 1277
Thomasville, GA 31799

President Andre' Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate Past President Teri White
Vice President Tom Callaway, III
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Chair Kim Walden
Foundation Chair Scott Rich
Membership Chair Ben Wilds
Public Image Chair Marta Turner
Sergeant-at-Arms Janet Liles
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Krista Peace

We had a successful
Rotary has Heart for Seniors

Thank you to all who helped, greeted, and smiled at our visiting seniors last Thursday. They thoroughly enjoyed being a part of our meeting. One senior stated that the entire morale of the senior center had been increased since seeing the February calendar with an outing to The Plaza for Valentine's Day. They could hardly wait to have their annual party with Rotarians again. Thank you for caring. And thank you to those Rotarians who sponsored a table.

Tomorrow, February 21st at the Plaza
Blood Drive starting 11am - 2pm-We need your BLOOD!

ABC's of Rotary

Some Rotary "Firsts" .

The first Rotary club meeting was in Chicago, Illinois, on 23 February 1905. .
The first regular luncheon meetings were in Oakland, California, chartered in 1909. .
The first Rotary convention was in Chicago in 1910. .
The first Rotary club outside of the United States was chartered in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1910. .
The first Rotary club outside of North America was chartered in Dublin, Ireland, in 1911. .
The first Rotary club in a non-English-speaking country was in Havana, Cuba, in 1916. .
The first Rotary club in South America was chartered in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1918. .
The first Rotary club in Asia was chartered in Manila, Philippines, in 1919. .
The first Rotary club in Africa was chartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1921. .
The first Rotary club in Australia was chartered in Melbourne in 1921. (Original idea from "Scandal Sheet")

Tomorrow, February 21st @ 5:30 pm
February Board Meeting, at the Library

From the Desk of President Andre'