Why Join Rotary?

Who We Are

We are a network of local business, professional and community leaders who strive to make our community a better place. We are more than a volunteer organization. Commercial activities and civic responsibilities work together to make neighborhoods and communities better places for our families and neighbors. We create educational and recognition programs that help our members achieve their personal , business, professional and community goals. We are diverse in that our members are from the business, professional and community leadership. We know that one does not have to belong to a civic club in order to do volunteer work. Many of us do volunteer work outside of Rotary. It is the service to our members that sets us apart from other service organizations. We serve our members and the beneficiaries of our service projects are the children of our community, our neighbors and those in need. We are also an International Humanitarian Service Organization of 1.2 million members impacting significant global issues like eradicating polio and providing clean water.

Why Join Us?

  1. I will be able to gain more knowledge of the workings of my community
  2. I will be able to network with like minded ethical business, professional and community leaders
  3. I will be able to make a difference in my community
  4. I will be setting a good example in my family, business and community life
  5. I will receive recognition for my service efforts
  6. I will be able to develop and use leadership skills that will be important for my personal growth.


Updated by Alec Smythe
November 12, 2021 3:55 pm