Website Help

Rotary Club of Thomasville

Electronic Media For Dummies

1. Facebook – This is a great place to go to see current activities of the club and members. Go to your Facebook App or and log in, click on “Search Facebook” search for “Rotary Club of Thomasville,” and click on the site, plan to upload comments and pictures. Uploading pictures and content to the site is somewhat device dependent. The easiest way is to use an IPad to find our Facebook page or on Safari as described above. Under “write something” Click on the camera icon in the bottom of the box. Click Photo or Video, to shoot a new picture or video. If you choose camera, your camera will come up. Shoot the picture and select Use Photo in the lower right or, if you do not like the picture, select Retake in the lower left. After you select Use Photo, the photo will be loaded in the square. Then enter apost by typing in your description of what is going on in the photo. When you are through, click Post and the post will go to our administrator who will upload it. You can also choose the photo icon on the right and upload a picture from memory. If you do not have an Apple device, you can upload a picture with comment to your Facebook page, click on the picture on your page and tag it with the Rotary Club of Thomasville tag. This comment and picture will be sent on for approval and posting. If you are having difficulty uploading, contact Howard Stephens or Joe Brown and they will help you

2. District 6900 web site, . In order to log in to the District Site, everyone has been assigned a User Name by the District. You will need to use your District User Name and create a new password. It is normally the first initial of your first name and your last name. If you have a common last name it normally is the first initials of your first and middle names and then your last name or a number could be added after your last name. To get  your new user name, click on forgot user name and it will be provided to you, email me at, or see Joe Brown or the Club Secretary at a meeting and we will help you. To establish your password, do the following:

• Click the Login link in the main menu

• Click the Forgot Password? link

• Put in your username and email address

• Click Submit

• You will receive an email with a reset link (be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t get it in your inbox within a minute or two)

• Click the reset link and you should be taken to the reset password screen of the website

• Enter your username and the password you want to use (at least 8 characters: 1 upper, 1 lower, 1 digit and one special). You will need to enter it twice.

• Click submit

• You should get a message that your password has been reset successfully

• Click the login link

• Login with your new password

Once logged in, you should see your name and your club in the center of the blue banner at the top. Click it to see your information. To access club information click on the club name at the top.This site has the latest information about the District at the top and, under the Rotary Wheel, has links to useful information. Under Members it has information about resources and training documents for every committee that provides best practices. After you log in you will see, at the top of the page,your name and the name of our club. If you click on your name, you will see your profile. Here you can update your profile and enter makeups. If you click on the name of the club, you will see information about our club. Clicking on the Rotary wheel,click on Members and then members, you will see data on all our members. If you go to the top of the page you will see a 10 up PDF Version button. If you click on this, you will see a directory with pictures ten to a page that can be saved, printed or emailed.If you click on Club and Projects you will see the projects which our club plans to recommend to District for the year. This site will be the main source of information for the District for projects, and for District Awards so Directors will be asking Committee Chiefs to post Project data directly for projects that we want to recommend to District for evaluation. All projects will be listed on the Rotary International Site as discussed below. After a project is completed, Committees will update the site giving the results of the project with pictures, videos and any press releases. By clicking on the project edit choice on the side (pencil) Directors will come to a screen that will let you input accomplishments, files describing the project in more detail and pictures and videos of the activity. After you update, click SAVE and the data will be updated. Rotary Club Central will also need to be updated with results for all the projects.

3. Rotary Club of Thomasville, At this site you can find information about our club, which is a good site to send prospective members, check on the weekly programs, go to the other sites including the new District Web Site, and Rotary International Club Central. This site is also linked to our Facebook Page for convenience. Your password is the same as for the District Site. When you go to the site, put your cursor over the Rotary Wheel on the top line and you will be able to access all the info on the site. This year the only projects you will see are those that we intend to recommend to District for evaluation. All of the projects are listed on the Rotary International web site under My Rotary and Rotary Club Central.

4. District Data Base, The old District Data Base, DacDB, is still in operation, but is only used by the Secretary. You will not need to use it.

5. Rotary International and Club Central, This is a newly designed site that has a section called My Rotary and Club Central. You will need a different log in to access this site and if you have not registered for the site, click on My Rotary and Register. Your ID is the number on your Rotarian magazine. Once you log in, you see much information about Rotary International. Click on My Rotary If you are already registered, just sign in. You will find that Rotary Central has much useful information under the headers and historical data on our club, you will find our goals for the year for our Club,Service Activities,and Foundation and how we are doing to accomplish these goals. Directors and Committee Chiefs enter or update electronic Project Reports, whichwill be used for PR, awards and other purposes. We can link completed reports to Rotary Showcase which is a site that has much more information on the project including pictures and videos. This site is accessible by Rotarians and non-Rotarians and shows to the world what Rotary is doing.

6. This is all a bit complicated and if you are having difficulty contact Joe Brown or 229-221-4915 and we will help you.

(version 6 17, posted 6272019)

Updated by Joe Brown
May 30, 2024 10:51 am