
Membership is key to the success of any Rotary organization and is taken very seriously by the Thomasville Rotary Club. The Thomasville Rotary Club subscribes to the tenant that each member brings with him or her a wealth of resources related to the individual's vocation and as a result allows the club to continue to successfully carry out its local, state, national and worldwide service missions.

While the Thomasville Rotary Club operates a membership committee dedicated to carrying out the key elements necessary for increasing, developing, and retaining membership, every member of the organization is encouraged to take part in membership development.

Rotarians should always be on the lookout for men and women in our community that have either demonstrated or have the potential for leadership qualities. We should actively seek those who desire to enrich our community, our state, our country and ultimately the world with integrity, peace, and goodwill.

Updated by Shanna Derby
July 22, 2023 8:39 am