

Be the Voice campaign

The club's Youth Services team coordinated with City and County schools to once again implement the Be the Voice anti bullying campaign. Materials were provided to sponsors at the start of the school year and are being used in schools and with students as intended. 



Character Counts

Once again, our local schools are participating in Character Counts program and members are speaking to student groups.


Homeless Esssentials/Pack Bags

Essentials/Packbags for Homeless

After becoming aware of homeless families in our community in need of essentials such as hygiene/care items and shelf stable food, the club devoted a regular meeting to put together 200 reusable pack bags with 15 useable items. Members donated all items as well as the pack bags. 45 members and guests packed the bags at the July 18 meeting. The bags were delivered over the next week to Fountain of Life homeless shelter, Thomasville Thomas County Food Bank, and other points in the community where homeless individuals and families are served. 


Fresh Produce loaded

Free Fresh Produce Markets

The club's Big Impact initiatives include projects aimed at improving the health and vibrancy of our community over the long term. Free Fresh Produce Markets are held each month at a local park or other venue. The Big Impact committee sources fresh vegetables, fruits, and other healthy fresh foods through Second Harvest of South Georgia as well as direct from farmers and food providers. On average 230 households representing an estimated 920 individuals receive 20 t0 30 pounds of food products at the monthly produce drops. Households are screened by our members before receiving food, completing  a USDA TEFAP form verifying their total household income is at or below poverty level. 



Free Little Lending Libraries for Community

The club maintains a dozen Free Little Lending Libraries that the club placed 10 years ago in strategic locations throughout the community. The libraries offer members and others in the community the opportunity to share books and encourage reading. Each year the committee repairs, restores, and replenishes the little libraries on as as needed basis.



Honoring First Responders -- Our Heroes

Each year, the club hosts three cookout lunches for our local first responders, who are community heroes. In October, we hosted a cookout for all law enforcement officers and support staff. Attending were 90 officers and staff from City Police and County Sheriff's departments and 25 members of the club. Our BBQ team grilled hamburgers, hotdogs, and committee members provided fresh buns and fixings, sides, and desserts for the meal.  Our members joined officers at the tables and enjoy sharing the meal and offering our appreciation for their service. In February, a heroes lunch for first responder linemen will be held at Camp Pineywoods. In March, fire fighters and emergency service heroes will be hosted for lunch at their facility.



Interact Clubs reactivated in City and County

Interact clubs have not been active in our schools since COVID.  This school year our Youth Services team has engaged both City and County School Systems and recruited sponsors for Interact. In February, clubs in the City and County will meet and launch one project before the end of the school year. 



Rotaract Club at Thomas University

Coordination with Thomas University faculty and staff  is undereway to launch a Rotaract Club in the Spring. 



Rotary Big Impact Auction--first year

Rotary Club of Thomasville hosted our inaugural Big Impact Online Auction to raise funds for our free fresh produce markets, resource fairs, vegetable grow bag drops, and other Big Impact products aimed at improving the health and prosperity of our community over the long term. Members donated or solicited the donation of 80 high end auction items including vacation stays, outdoor experiences, jewelry, furniture, and much more. Wiregrass Auction hosted our auction at no cost and the community and area participation was outstanding. The auction finale/holiday party was a wonderful social gathering for our members, spouses and friends with 90 attending. As the excitement built for the closing of online bids, Wiregrass auctioneer offered three special high end itesm for live bids. Total proceeds for the auction were $31,000 with net profit of more than $25,000.


Rotary United Way Golf Classic flyer

Rotary Big Impact/United Way Golf Classic

Rotary's annual golf classic to raise funds for the club's Big Impact projects and United Way agencies was held on August 24, 2024. In the weeks prior five members solicited dozens of community sponsors and players to fill 24 teams. On the day prior and on the event day, 25 members assisted set up and managing the tournament. The golf classic raised $34,000 for United Way and an estimated $15,000 for the club's Big Impact projects. Community partners and players were informed about Rotary's impact in the community through the event--with a printed insert and messaging during the tournament. 



Rotary Has Heart for Seniors September Luau



Rotary Has Heart for Seniors Valentine's Party

Rotary Club of Thomasville hosts an annual Valentine's Party at Scott Senior Center for  50 participants. At this year's event, seniors will be given items they requested and member purchased as a Valentine's gift and members will grill hamburgers, hotdogs lunch, served with all the fixings and homemade desserts. Entertainment will be provided and fun will be had by all. District Governor Gordon Owens will be a special guest host at the event. 



Second Harvest Pack and Sort Monthly Service

On the third Thursday of every month, Rotary Club of Thomasville hosts its meeting at Second Harvest of South Georgia to pack and sort produce and other foods for  the club's free fresh produce markets or to assist Second Harvest with other needs. Second Harvest is co-sponsor of the club's monthly free fresh produce markets, providing sourcing expertise, donation of a large portion of food items, coordination, warehouse cold storage, meeting space, transportation and staffing support. 



September Coat/Blanket Drive

The club's annual drive to collect gently used coats and cash donations for the purchase of coats and blankets was conducted in September  2024.  All coats and cash collected are donated the Thomas County Food Bank, which provides coats to more than 1000 individuals from late October through early November each year. Our club has been supporting this effort for 20+ years. 



Touching Base

Touching Base was launched in July 2025 to encourage members to connect with individuals in their lives who may live in isolation or need regular contact. Family members, friends, and neighbors are potential participants, especially widowed or single or disabled indiviuals. This is a mental health initiative and members are receiving appreciation from individuals they are touching base with at the time and frequency each individual prefers. 
