Thursday, Sept. 26 Hurricane WatchWe are watching weather forecasts for Hurricane Helene, and if Thomasville is in the path of the hurricane, Thursday's meeting will be cancelled. Hurricane response may also impact next week's planned events, so watch your email for updates or cancellations. Thursday, Sept. 26 Blood DriveThe OneBlood Blood Mobile will be onsite at the Plaza on Thursday, Sept. 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All donors will receive a $20 gift card, a tote bag and a wellness checkup, including blood pressure, pulse, temperature, iron count and cholesterol screening. To pre-schedule your donation time, please visit and use sponsor code 17630. Don't forget to bring your ID when you arrive for your appointment. 
Thursday, Sept. 26 City Schools Update + Club AssemblyThis week, we'll have guest Jordan Williams from the Thomasville City Schools. Williams was named Chief Academic Officer for Strategic Initiatives this summer and is responsible for leading the district’s implementation of its strategic plan and ensuring the schools make consistent progress toward achieving the objectives in the plan. Thursday, he'll share with Rotary details of the city school system's current strategic plan. Read more about him here. Additionally on Thursday, we'll have a club assembly to elect officers for the 2025-2026 year and president nominee for 2026-2027. President Marta Jones Turner will also provide a brief report on the first quarter of this year and highlight plans for the second quarter. Friday, Sept. 27 Scott Senior CenterOn Monday, Sept. 30, Rotary will host a luau at the Scott Senior Center. Help celebrate community seniors at the event, which also will honor September birthdays at the center. Set up begins at 10 a.m. The luau celebration begins at 11 a.m. Please join us! 
September Coat and Blanket Drive OngoingDon't forget: Rotary is collecting new and gently used coats and blankets to support the Thomas County Food Bank’s
Coat Closet. Please bring coats and blankets to the meeting, drop your donations off at Brigit Smallridge’s office or send money to Brigit via Venmo @Brigit-Smallridge.