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January 7, 2020


January is Vocational Service Month

1/16 G. Wayne Clough - the first secretary of the Smithsonian Institution born in the South
1/23 Ben Huntzinger - Spartan Wheel Cariott
1/30 DGND Kirk Dricoll Visit

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Paul Hancock
1/1 Ellis Jackson
1/1 Randy Watts
1/1 Terry Rouse
1/3 Adam Carvin
1/7 Kim Walden
1/8 Julie Carter
1/9 Teri White
1/9 Carol Jones
1/9 Frances Parker
1/10 Debbie Quinton
1/13 Al Park
1/13 Hinson Arwood
1/16 Ray Thompson
1/16 John Archer, Sr.
1/21 Erik von Hellens
1/21 Tim Filston
1/22 Susan Backofen
1/23 Nate Tyler
1/25 John Brown
1/25 Shelba Sellers


1/6 Mike Bixler (47)
1/9 Bob Drummond (38)
1/14 Wayne Newsome (41)
1/17 Debbie Goodman (39)
1/17 Wallace Goodman (39)
1/20 Warren Stafford (57)
1/22 Howard Stephens (50)
1/24 Clay Campbell (39)


1/1 Powell Jones (34)
39 years in Rotary
1/1 Ed Elam, III (39)
1/1 Richard Vann (24)
1/1 GRSP Admin (3)
1/9 Paul Hancock (6)
1/10 Nathaniel Abrams (7)
1/14 Scott Smith (12)
1/15 Vann Middleton (5)
1/17 Mary Collins (9)
12 years in Rotary
1/24 Charlene Parrish (18)
1/26 Claire Bowen (3)
1/28 Chris Huckans (4)
1/29 Adam Carvin (5)
1/31 Dawna Bicknell Tanner (1)
1/31 Lorraine Williams Rahming (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership Adam Carvin
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Program Director Jay Flowers
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler

Rotarians Help Salvation Army

Thank you to all who assisted in the annual bell ringing to raise funds for the Salvation Army. We appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to make the holidays brighter for those in our community.

Gail Roberts from Thomas County Humane Society

Thank you to Gail Roberts for an informative presentation on the work of Thomas County Humane Society.

This Week's Program

Principals Brian Beaty of Scott Elementary and Melvin Hugans of Harper Elementary will discuss improving elementary education at Harper and Scott schools in Thomasville.

Principal Hugans

Wine or Whine goes Mexican
Join us at Frida’s for fun on January 7th

Wine or Whine is going Mexican this month and will be at Frida’s downtown on Tuesday, January 7th from 5:30 - 7:30.

RLI January 18 hosted by Rotary Club of Thomasville
Building Leadership Skills Through Rotary

Rotary Leadership Institute Sunshine Division

“Building a better Rotary through education.”

Rotary District 6900

One of the keys to success in life is continuous learning. Rotarians who want to grow themselves and their clubs always looks for opportunities to learn, grown and share with others. Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) provides you with those learning, growing and fellowship experiences.

Registration is now open to all Rotarians for Parts 1, 2, 3 and Graduate Classes in Membership and Facilitation Techniques for the next District 6900 Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) that will be held Saturday, January 18, at Southern Regional Technical College in Thomasville, Georgia.

Some of the interesting leadership topics that will be discussed during our classes include: Membership Engagement, Analyzing Your Rotary Club, Strategic Planning, Service Projects, Effective Leadership Strategies and the History of Rotary. Special Graduate Classes on Membership and Facilitation Techniques will also be offered, for those Rotarians that have completed RLI Part 3.

WHEN: Saturday, January 18, 2020, from 8:00am to 3:30pm.

WHERE: Southern Regional Technical College, 15689 U.S. 19, Thomasville, Georgia

Please plan to enjoy Breakfast starting at 7 am. 15 Hotel rooms have been saved at the Hampton Inn in Thomasville under the name of Kim Walden. Let us know you want to attend by registering online or by sending an email to thomasville@rotary6900.or