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July 7, 2020


July is New Rotary Year Month

7/9 Regular Meeting
7/16 Regular Meeting
7/23 Regular Meeting
7/30 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

7/8 George Stephens, Jr.
7/11 Matt Brown
7/12 Gerhard Sommer
7/19 Coy Irvin
7/21 Dale Hodges
7/28 Bryant Beadles
7/28 Stuart Jackson
7/30 Ed Elam, III


7/9 Tom Callaway, III (43)
7/12 Paul Hancock (45)
7/12 Debbie Quinton (34)
7/12 Donald Sims (51)


7/1 Mary Beth Donalson (6)
7/1 Jay Flowers (10)
7/1 Scooter Grubbs, III (33)
7/1 Donald Sims (31)
7/1 Warren Stafford (40)
7/1 Jeff Zoller (11)
7/1 Sharon Patrick (16)
7/1 Lauren Vann (4)
7/2 Bill Dickey (5)
7/4 Erik von Hellens (8)
7/4 Nic Rahming (1)
7/4 Alexzandria Bighams (1)
7/6 Ronnie Godwin (3)
25 years in Rotary
7/6 Kim Walden (3)
9 years in Rotary
7/11 Ben Wilds (7)
7/12 Eric Ward (8)
7/14 Frederick Buechner (4)
29 years in Rotary
7/17 W. Clay Campbell (8)
24 years in Rotary
7/18 Andre Marria (15)
7/22 David Lewis (10)
7/30 Charles Hill (1)
47 years in Rotary
7/31 John Glenn (23)
24 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership Charles Carvin
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

John Brown Inducted As the 100th President of the Rotary Club of Thomasville Georgia

PDG Fran Milberg inducts John Brown as Presidentof the Rotary Club of Thomasville.  First Lady Anna Marie Brown observes the induction.  

Each year in July, new Rotary presidents are inaugurated in all of the 34,000 Rotary Clubs within 200 countries of the world. The Rotary Club of Thomasville is no exception. Thursday, July 2, past Rotary District 6900 Governor Fran Milberg inducted John Brown to serve as the 100th president of the Rotary Club of Thomasville.

In her remarks, Milberg said, “My challenge or opportunity to this club is that we should not just consider ourselves members of a Rotary Club….We are Rotarians of the Rotary Club of Thomasville. WE should recommit ourselves to the service of Rotary, to understand that our generosity of our time, talents and/or resources are the only hope to break down the current barriers that get in the way of our service. WE as a group can make a difference in this community.”

President Brown’s goals for his Rotary year are well on their way to being achieved. In his first remarks to the members of the Rotary Club of Thomasville, he listed his goals as: 

1.  Using a Rotary District Grant in the amount of $1500 to help SPARK of Thomasville. SPARK is a program that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insight, relationships and tools needed to turn ideas into action and turn a passion into a sustainable and thriving endeavor.

2. To memorialize and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Thomasville, President Brown, his leadership team and Rotary members, will donate a gift of trees to the City of Thomasville. The trees will become an ingredient of the Thomasville Master Plan for Paradise Park. The trees will eventually create a canopy over Broad Street and become a welcoming gateway between the medical center and downtown.

3. In conjunction with the Southern Hospitality Group and Jeremy Emmett, the owners of the new Marriott, the most significant goal President Brown has is the construction of a fountain in the gateway entrance to the new Marriot at the junction of Dawson and Remington streets. Working with Southern Hospitality’s Jeromy Emmitt, a plan has been put into place that will build a courtyard and fountain. The area will be named in honor of Will Watt, founder of the Georgia Rotary Student Program. Rotarian Scott Rich was instrumental in securing the plaza name and signage. The cost to build the plaza and fountain will be paid the Southern Hospitality. Rotary will pay for the signage in the area.

In closing, President John Brown ask members to save the date of May 6, 2021. President Brown announced a grand birthday celebration will be held on that date to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Thomasville Georgia.

Anna Marie Brown pins her husband John Brown with the Thomasville Rotary Club President's pin.  This pin has been worn for decades by the various President of the Rotary Club of Thomasville Georgia.

New officers and directors sworn in during last Thursday meeting

New officers and directors sworn in during the Thursday meeting are:

President:  John Brown

President Elect: Wayne Newsome

Immediate Past President: Kim Walden

Secretary: Angela Williamson Deputy Secretary: Bill Dickey

Treasurer: Teri White

Membership Directors: Adam Carvin and Janet Liles

Public Image Directors: Mike Bixler and Lauren Vann

Club Administration Directors: Cameron Jahnke and Hinson Arwood

Foundation Directors: Fran Milberg and John Glenn

Community Service Director: Adrian Burns

Youth Service Directors: Andre Marria and Carlton Bryant

Past Presidents Club Director: Scott Rich

Executive Secretary: Howard Stephens

Members serving District 6900 this year are,

PP Teri White: District 6900 Treasurer

PP Andre Marria: Assistant Governor

PP Terry Rouse: Assistant Governor

PP Scott Rich: GRSP Trustee

PP Kim Walden: Zone Public Relations.

Board Meeting THIS week

Our July Rotary Board Meeting will be held at the Plaza at 11am on Thursday in the back board room.  
You can also join us via ZOOM.


This Week's Program

Jay is planning another great program for us Thursday.  Details are unavailable at the time of this newsletter.  Please plan to join us via zoom.

Due to the virus numbers increasing in our area, we will NOT meet at the Plaza for the next two weeks (at least).  Here is the ZOOM link.


ABC's of Rotary

Rotary's Wheel Emblem

A wheel has been the symbol of Rotary since our earliest days. The first design was made by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engraver who drew a simple wagon wheel, with a few lines to show dust and motion. The wheel was said to illustrate "Civilization and Movement." Most of the early clubs had some form of wagon wheel on their publications and letterheads. Finally, in 1922, it was decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design as the exclusive emblem of Rotarians. Thus, in 1923, the present gear wheel with 24 cogs and six spokes was adopted by the "Rotary International Association." A group of engineers advised that the gear wheel was mechanically unsound and would not work without a "keyway" in the centre of the gear to attach it to a power shaft. So, in 1923 the keyway was added and the design which we now know was formally adopted as the official Rotary International emblem.