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November 3, 2020


November is Rotary Foundation Month

11/5 Will Watt - Major Henry Elrod
11/12 Regular Meeting - Liza Donnelly, Cartoonist for The New Yorker & CBS News
11/19 Regular Meeting-Vashti Thanksgiving Lunch

Our Rotary Family

11/1 Richard Vann
11/3 Homer Pankey
11/5 Bob Ackerman
11/7 Gary Tucker
11/7 Lauren Vann
11/7 David Hufstetler
11/10 Mark Lowe
11/16 Barbara Williams-Anderson
11/24 Ron Salter
11/30 Rebecca Strickland


11/3 Julie Cannady (13)
11/8 Claire Bowen (12)
11/12 Lauren Vann (4)
11/12 Pat Choice (37)
11/22 Christy Cooke (8)
11/26 Nathaniel Abrams (9)
11/27 Jim Carter (27)
11/27 Ray Thompson (28)
11/29 Jeff Zoller (45)


11/1 Ed Titus, Jr. (25)
11/1 Albert Park (25)
11/1 Homer Pankey (35)
11/4 Carol Jones (16)
11/6 Ron Salter (12)
11/8 Renee Oliveto (13)
11/10 Morgan Bailey (4)
11/14 Noel Ellis (1)
11/18 Dale Hodges (21)
11/29 Tom Harrison, Jr. (19)
11/30 Will Watt , III (3)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

This Week's Program

Will Watt worked with Darlene Taylor to have the highway 84 overpass (over hwy 19) named in honor of Maj Henry Elrod, the only Medal of Honor winner from Thomasville. Will will share his research with us.

Major Elrod arrived at Wake Island a short time before the hostilities commenced and was one of the twelve pilots who flew the Marine planes onto the island. During the defense of Wake, Capt Elrod repeatedly displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty. On the 12th of December he single-handedly attacked a flight of 22 enemy planes and shot down two. On several flights he executed low altitude bombing and strafing runs on enemy ships, and became the first man to sink a major warship with small caliber bombs delivered from a fighter-type aircraft.

DG Driskell Presents GRSP Awards

Three Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP) Awards were presented by District Governor Kirk Driskell at the Club’s meeting on 10-29-2020.

First, Teri Hurst White was honored as the Club’s newest Ronnie Waller Fellow. Ronnie served as the original GRSP Endowment Chairman who guided the Endowment through a significant period of expansion. A member of the Rotary Club of Gainesville, he also served as the GRSP Chairman. Rotary Club members can look forward to the Ronnie Waller coming to Thomasville to visit at a Club meeting very soon.  MORE

Rotary Ignites a Spark

Thomasville’s Rotary Club President John Brown has chosen to direct this year’s $1,500 in District Grant funds to do good locally. John has tapped Spark Thomasville to receive these funds to assist budding minority entrepreneurs to launch their businesses from a solid foundation.

On the Rotary calendar October is Economic and Community Development Month. What could be more appropriate than to highlight yet another way our club works to add value to our community?  MORE

What You Missed Last Week!

Walt Disney said, “Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.” This quote reminds me of what I saw in District Governor Kirk Driskell at last week’s meeting. He talked about what can happen when we aim our efforts to well identified goals. The effort we put forth will impact our local community and the world.

Kirk offered us encouraging words by showing us what we can do as individuals. He also showed us what we can accomplish as a collective body of Rotarians. Even though he spoke on familiar topics, it was encouraging to be reminded of all that is possible. Possible because of Rotary International’s vision for each club. For those who were not in attendance, it looks like this.

  1. Every club has a strategic planning session. Who are we and why do our club exist? What do we want to be known for? This is the vision of what the club does and how the club is seen by the community.
  2. Focus on growth by retention. Let us grow by retaining the members we have. Are we intentionally and purposefully intersecting the lives of other members? Are we engaging them?
  3. Be innovative. We must change radically, and we must change now. Are we taking advantage of the opportunities Rotary is opening to us?
  4. Polio Plus. What does Polio Plus mean to me? Is there more that I can do?

Rotary has opened the opportunity. We must take advantage of it. “What you do has far greater impact than what you say.” Stephen Covey