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January 26, 2021


January is Vocational Service Month

1/28 Jacklyn Donovan - RYLA
2/4 LTC Mark P.Z. Citarella - Executive Officer 78th Troop Command, GA Army National Guard
2/11 Dr Chip Bragg
2/18 Jared Benko - Athletic Director at GSU

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Paul Hancock
1/1 Ellis Jackson
1/1 Randy Watts
1/6 Terry Rouse
1/7 Kim Walden
1/8 Julie Carter
1/9 Teri White
1/9 Carol Jones
1/9 Frances Parker
1/10 Debbie Quinton
1/13 Albert Park
1/13 Hinson Arwood
1/16 Ray Thompson
1/16 John Archer, Sr.
1/21 Erik von Hellens
1/21 Tim Filston
1/22 Susan Backofen
1/23 Nate Tyler
1/25 John Brown
1/25 Shelba Sellers


1/6 Mike Bixler (48)
1/9 Bob Drummond (39)
1/14 Wayne Newsome (42)
1/17 Debbie Goodman (40)
1/17 Wallace Goodman (40)
1/18 Howard Stephens (51)
1/20 Warren Stafford (58)
1/24 W. Clay Campbell (40)


1/1 Powell Jones (35)
40 years in Rotary
1/1 Richard Vann (25)
1/1 GRSP Admin (4)
1/9 Paul Hancock (7)
1/10 Nathaniel Abrams (8)
1/14 Scott Smith (13)
1/15 Vann Middleton (6)
1/24 Charlene Parrish (19)
1/26 Claire Bowen (4)
1/31 Dawna Bicknell Tanner (2)
1/31 Lorraine Williams Rahming (2)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President John Brown
President-Elect Danny Braddy
President-Elect Wayne Newsome
Immediate PP Kim Walden
Treasurer Teri White
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Fran Milberg
Membership Janet Liles
Public Image Mike Bixler

This Week's Program

Jaclyn Donovan is a member of the Rotary Club of Moultrie (GA) where she is currently serving as the club president. She is also a Past President of the Americus (GA) club and winner of the Sheffield Leadership Award in 2014.

Jaclyn has served as a District 6900 Assistant Governor, Service Chair, Public Image Chair, and is currently serving as the District Membership Chair until 2022. She also serves as the District 6900 RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Chair and volunteers each summer as a counselor for the event.

What You Missed Last Week!

The program last week was part two of William Lokey’s adventures in preparedness, rescue and discovery. Bill (as he is called), has had a long career of service involving natural and manmade disasters. Last week his focus was on “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of his experience with Hurricane Katrina. Bill shared with us his involvement with Katrina and how opportunities were missed in many areas of handling the hurricane. But there were lessons learned. Those lessons have allowed for improvement in how preparation, rescue and recovery is approached today. Because of Katrina and the lessons learned, fewer lives are lost and less damage and destruction of property occur during natural disasters. Thanks Bill, for a great presentation.

We had fifty-nine in attendance last week, and Richard Vann gave us a healthy dose of “Sunshine.” Joan Green of TCCHS was recognized as the Technology Student of the Month. It was announced that the Rotary Club of Thomasville is being invited to the opening of the new Archbold Memorial Hospital Advanced Therapy and Sports Medicine building. Volunteers are still needed for Honoring our Local Heroes on Wednesday, January 27th.  There is also an upcoming Fireside Chat at Harry Tomlinson’s place.

As president John Brown said, the health of the club is good. But we still have members who are challenged with health issues. Please keep them in your prayers and your thoughts.

Francis Bacon said, “A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.” Thanks to Rotary, we do not have to make our opportunities. Rotary opens opportunities to us. The challenge for us is to see and take advantage of the opportunities presented to us. 

Honoring our Local Heroes

Mark your calendars!  Our next Honoring our Local Heroes is scheduled for January 27 at the Remington Fire station

Volunteers needed! 

Grilling to begin around 10:30.  Clean up will begin around 1 p.m. and should be completed by 2.

ABC's of Rotary

How do you describe the organization called "Rotary"? There are so many characteristics of a Rotary club as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. There are the features of service, internationality, fellowship, classifications of each vocation, development of goodwill and world understanding, the emphasis of high ethical standards, concern for other people and many more.

In 1976 the Rotary International Board of Directors was interested in creating a concise definition of the fundamental aspects of Rotary. They turned to the three men who were then serving on Rotary's Public Relations Committee and requested that a one-sentence definition of Rotary be prepared. After numerous drafts, the committee presented this definition, which has been used ever since in various Rotary publications:

"Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world.'

Those 31 words are worth remembering when someone asks, "What is a Rotary club?"