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August 16, 2022


August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/18 Regular Meeting - Introduction of Satellite Club
8/25 Regular Meeting - Eldrick Jacobs Flint & Port Hat Company
9/1 Regular Meeting - Thomasville Fire Department Capt. Mann
9/8 Regular Meeting - Salvation Army/Robyn Hickey

Our Rotary Family

8/6 Janet Liles
8/7 Rich Massa, Jr.
8/9 Cameron Jahnke
8/9 André Marria
8/13 Andy Vann
8/13 Harry Tomlinson
8/13 Joe Tarver
8/15 Scott Smith
8/15 Holly Phillips
8/16 Michael Jones
8/17 Donald Sims
8/23 Rankin Smith, Jr.
8/29 Mike Stephenson


8/3 Lee Wagner (37)
8/7 Niki Gatlin (12)
8/10 William Dickey (54)
8/13 Coy Irvin (45)
8/19 Gary Tucker (62)
8/19 Carlton Bryant (47)
8/20 Russell Chubb (62)
8/26 Copper Comita (33)
8/26 John Comita, Jr. (33)
8/28 Albert Park (51)
8/29 André Marria (49)
8/29 Walter Marria, Jr. (49)


8/1 Fran Milberg (26)
28 years in Rotary
8/1 Wilson Carraway, Jr. (39)
72 years in Rotary
8/1 Walter Gilbert (31)
8/2 Carlton Bryant (4)
8/2 Adrian Burns (4)
8/2 Pat Choice (4)
8/2 Walter Marria, Jr. (4)
8/8 Scott Sterling (14)
8/10 Debbie Quinton (10)
8/13 Mark Lowe (13)
8/13 Cameron Jahnke (7)
8/16 Niki Gatlin (4)
8/23 Philip Leabo, Jr. (4)
8/24 David Hufstetler (5)
8/25 Andy Sheppard (6)
8/27 David Flowers (13)
8/27 Jamie Lawrence (2)
5 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Danny Braddy
President-Elect Mary Beth Donalson
Treasurer Warren Ballard
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership William Dickey
Foundation Marta Turner
Public Image Adrian Burns

Golf Tournament...

This Week Program!

What is a Rotary Satellite Club? 

The concept of a “Satellite Club” was developed to provide an alternative approach to establish Rotary Clubs. The concept gives Clubs the opportunity to start up a small group to help increase membership. It is also a means of involving prospective members in Rotary activities.  

The Satellite Club will conduct its meetings on a weekly basis in a format of its own choosing and choose projects suitable for its members interests but in line with those of Rotary. Meetings can take place in a room in a local pub or in a coffee shop and are anticipated to last around 1 hour. Unlike existing Rotary Clubs a meal is not necessarily required, unless members so agree. The Satellite Club program's purpose is to accommodate changes that have occurred in our professional environments, in family structures, and impersonal commitments 

Rotary states that the Satellite Club pilot is aimed at securing Rotary's future as a premier humanitarian service organization.
"Feedback from numerous Rotary surveys and focus groups has repeatedly shown that prospective Rotary members and current younger Rotarians require flexibility in their Rotary club membership." 

The purpose of a Satellite Club is not to create more complexities or just one more thing to "sponsor" – it is a way for clubs to grow in a creative way. 

The Impacts of a Satellite Club are intended to be: 

1.  Decrease the average club membership age 2.  Introduce new leaders to the organization who are eager to get involved with the club's current projects and maybe introduce some new ones   3. Offer the opportunity for members to have a bit more flexibility in their meeting schedule  4. Get more people involved in an organization that has a serious growth and retention issue 


Satellite Clubs are an extension of the Host Rotary Club. They do not have their own charter.

They offer more flexibility to attract members that may not, and would not, ever join a traditional Rotary Club. 

They may look and feel like a separate club because they will have their own leadership and committees but these leadership roles and committees are expected to be in close partnership with the parent club. 

The Year to Imagine!