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January 14, 2025


January is Vocational Service Month

1/16 Regular Meeting at Vashti -- Chris White, Thomasville City Manager, brings update on City Government
1/23 Regular Meeting at Vashti -Program: Thomasville Cares & Fountain of Life on support for the homeless brought by Nate Tyler
1/30 Thomas County Sheriff Tim Watkins to speak, introduced by Thomasville police Chief Wade Glover


1/15 Coffee Chat
1/18 Manna Drop at Restoration Tabernacle 1002 N. Broad St. -- HOTC & ROTARY CLUB
1/18 Manna Drop at Restoration Tabernacle
2/6 Blood Drive


Thursdays, 12:15 pm
Vashti Center
1815 East Clay Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Marta Jones-Turner
President-Elect Nathaniel Tyler
Immediate PP Mary Beth Donalson
Vice President Nathaniel Tyler
Treasurer Warren Ballard
Secretary Anna Lee
Public Image David Sofferin


Membership Angela Williamson
Service Projects Barbara Williams-Anderson
Foundation Carol Jones
Club Director Scott Rich
Youth Service Chandler Giddes
Admin Devona Thompson

Rotary Online



1/1 Powell Jones (39)
44 years in Rotary
1/1 Richard Vann (29)
1/1 GRSP Admin (8)
1/4 Tim Daniel (1)
1/4 David Sofferin (1)
1/10 Nathaniel Abrams (12)
1/14 Scott Smith (17)
1/15 Vann Middleton (10)
1/24 Charlene Parrish (23)
1/31 Dawna Bicknell Tanner (6)
1/31 Lorraine Williams Rahming (6)

Wednesday, Jan. 15
Coffee Chat

Join us tomorrow morning anytime between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. for a cup of coffee and a casual conversation with fellow Rotarians!

Membership Team Update
Support Personnel Needed

As the Membership Committee plans the rest of this Rotary year, we need support in a few areas. If you are interested in supporting any of these areas, please contact Angela Williamson.

Membership includes sub-committees for We Care, Greeters, Coffee Chats, Wine or Whine, and more, and it takes all the club’s members to support these initiatives and ensure that all our members feel seen, heard and appreciated for the efforts they bring to Rotary Club of Thomasville.

We Care provides cards to members who are ill, have lost a family member or simply need a little sunshine. We Care team members announce updates about those Rotarians who receive cards at weekly meetings.

Team leads are Mary Beth (January), Copper (February), Janet (March), and Angela (April). We are looking for a team member to lead We Care for May and for June.

Greeters welcome members and guests as they enter weekly Rotary Club meetings, track attendance and help answer questions that may arise.

Team leads are Stephan (January), Jeff (February), Rich (March) and Angela (May). We are looking for greeters for April and June.

Coffee Chats are generally on the third Wednesday of every month at Grassroots Coffee and present an opportunity to fellowship with fellow Rotarians in a casual, unstructured environment. Grab a cup of coffee and say hello or order breakfast and sit and stay for a while. Coffee Chats are hosted by Morgan Bailey and at least one member of the membership committee.

Team leads are Angela (Jan. 15), Anna (Feb. 19 and March 19). We are looking for coffee enthusiasts to join Morgan as hosts for April 16, May 21 and June 18.

Wine or Whine is monthly on the first Thursday of the month and represents another opportunity for casual gatherings to get to know your fellow Rotarians and bring potential new members.  Our next Wine or Whine will be Feb. 6 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Plaza.

We are looking for a variety of hosts and sites for Wine or Whine.

New Members: Additionally, we are always looking for potential Rotarians who would add to the depth of our membership and who have a drive to support the community through our community service work. Our district goal this year is to net three new members, but we like to be overachievers, so we’d love to add additional new members before the end of June.

For more information, to suggest a new member, or to sign up for any of these support initiatives, please contact Angela Williamson.

Save the Date for the next Fireside Chat: Tuesday, April 1, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Gentian Creek Preserve Barn.

Thursday, Jan. 16
City Manager Chris White

On Thursday, Jan. 16, Thomasville City Manager Chris White will provide an update about the city of Thomasville.

Saturday, Jan. 18
MLK Day of Service Manna Drop

Rotary is combining forces with Hands on Thomas County for an MLK Day of Service Manna Drop on Saturday, Jan. 18. Cosponsors are Food Lion Feeds, Second Harvest of South Georgia and the MLK Humanitarian Walk & Festival. This event replaces our regular monthly produce market. We will distribute lots of food in this combined effort!

Please meet at Restoration Tabernacle Church, 1001 N. Broad St., near the intersection of Luten Lane and North Broad Street, at 8:30 a.m. to begin packing boxes and set up. The drop will begin at or before 9:30 a.m.

Note: Because the current weather forecast is predicting rain Saturday, this fully outdoor location may change. If the location changes, we will notify you of the new location before 8:30 Saturday morning. Watch for updates.

Contact Barbara Williams Anderson or Matt Edwards with questions.

Thursday, Jan. 23
Thomas County Cares & Fountain of Life

President-elect Nate Tyler will give us an update on the homeless population in Thomas County and the organizations that work together to support that population on Thursday, Jan. 23. 

For instance, did you know that Thomas County CARES (Community Awareness Reaching & Equipping the Streets) helps the homeless and less fortunate in Thomas County obtain a better quality of life to become productive members of society. In 2024, Thomas County CARES provided more than 11,000 manna bags, blessing boxes and Street Feed plates to the hungry and food insecure and nearly 100 tents and sleeping bags to the unsheltered.

Fountain of Life Rescue Shelter operates as an emergency shelter and saw a 62% increase in beds filled in 2024 over 2023. In addition to its regular schedule, Fountain of Life opens every night that the temperature falls below freezing. 

Learn more about both of these organizations and how you can support their missions to improve the quality of life for those less fortunate in our community.

Saturday, Feb. 1
Rotary Leadership Institute

Rotary Leadership Institute is designed to assist in improving the Rotary knowledge and leadership skills of the future leaders of our Rotary clubs and is offered at three levels over one-day workshops.

Parts 1, 2, and 3 are being offered with host Tracy van Norman on Saturday, Feb. 1 at Southern Regional Technical College in Thomasville from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Part 1 training is required for all new club members. The Rotary Club of Thomasville will cover the $100 cost of the program for all Part 1 participants, but if a Part 1 participant signs up and does not attend, they are required to reimburse the club for their tuition.

To sign up, contact either Angela Williamson or Nate Tyler.

View full Rotary Club of Thomasville calendar.
Attend a club meeting via Zoom. Use the meeting ID: 850 1793 4263.
Dial-in by phone: +13126266799.