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The Bulletin


Club Calendar

June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/7 Regular Meeting-Danny Hendrix, The Three Things that Leaders need to learn to say!
6/14 Regular Meeting-Gary Black, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture
6/21 Regular Meeting-Four Way Test & Club Awards
6/28 Regular Meeing-President Teri Swan Song & Inductions of 2018-19 President Andre' & her Board

Our Rotary Family

6/1 Jeff Zoller
6/3 Susan O'Neal
6/4 Shanna Derby
6/5 Sharon Patrick
6/12 Pat McLeod
6/13 Danny Braddy
6/16 Charles Dixon
6/20 Warren Ballard
6/22 Russell Chubb
6/24 Jim Carter
6/25 Ben Wilds
6/25 Bradford Jackson


6/11 Dicky Demott
6/4 John Glenn
6/23 Homer Pankey
6/24 Walter Gilbert
6/28 Scott Rich
6/15 Pat McLeod
6/7 Powell Jones
6/10 Michele Arwood
6/29 Lisa Billups
6/7 Irene Gleason
6/24 Randy Watts
6/2 Grady Enlow
6/9 Adam Carvin
6/14 Thomas Carlton


6/1 George Stephens (48)
6/1 Harry Tomlinson (37)
6/27 Rob Milberg (16)
6/27 John Hinrichs (4)
6/27 Bob Ackerman (4)
6/30 Mike Bixler (4)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 May 1, 1921
Active Membership: 133 FacebookInstagram

ROTARY CLUB OF Thomasville
PO Box 1277
Thomasville, GA 31799

President Teri White
President-Elect Andre Marria
Immediate Past President Jeff Zoller
Vice President Carol Jones
Secretary Angela Williamson
Treasurer Rick Piper
Program Director Lauren Radford
Program Director Jay Flowers
Program Director Al Nicholson
Fellowship Director Angela Williamson

Don't forget
Whine or Wine-Tuesday, tomorrow June 5th @ Hubs & Hops

First Tuesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm.It's a great time to get to know one another and it is a make up!

Honoring our Local Heroes Next Cookout
Wednesday, June the 6th for the EMS Department

This will be held at EMS station on Remington Avenue on June the sixth.

Cooks are needed at 10:30 am

Setup will be at 11:000 am

Lunch to be served at 12:00 pm

Clean up should be completed by 1 pm

This Week's Program
Danny Hendrix, President of TeamMaker...The Three Things that Leaders need to learn to say!

Danny was born in South Carolina and grew up around Atlanta. He met his beautiful wife, Heather, in college at Truett-McConnell College. He moved to her hometown to serve a church after graduation. They married in 1995, and now have three boys that bring joy to their lives- Hyatt, Truett, and Ellis. Danny has served many churches in the community through interim ministry of pastoring, worship leading and you work. He is currently the Executive Director of Next Level Training and Motivation. His desire is to see people experience the presence of God and to abide in Him! TeamMaker was born to help and encourage people. With over 25 years in Christian ministry, Head Coach Danny Hendrix has learned to be a good listener. In a completely confidential way, we can come in and hear your employees’ concerns. How many times has one employee’s problem become a cancer to your whole team? How much time have you lost in fighting these kinds of fires? People want and need to be heard. Knowing someone cares makes you happy, & happy people work better. We will let your employees know you care!

Next Week's Program
Gary Black, Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture

For over 35 years Gary W. Black has championed sound state and federal policies impacting food safety, science-based environmental stewardship and agricultural marketing. Now serving his second term, Commissioner Black remains committed to fostering growth in Georgia's number one industry.

Black's love of agriculture was first sparked on his family's farm in Commerce. He became an active member of the Commerce FFA and was elected State President of the Georgia FFA Association in 1975. Black then attended the University of Georgia's College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences where he earned a degree in Agricultural Education and interned with Sen. Herman Talmadge and the United States Senate Committee on Agriculture.

Upon completing his degree at UGA, Black went to work for the Georgia Farm Bureau as the Young Farmers coordinator. After seven years with Farm Bureau, he was named President of the Georgia Agribusiness Council where he served for 21 years as a tireless advocate for farmers and agribusinesses across the state.

Commissioner Black was first elected in November 2010 and immediately set out to retool the Department of Agriculture so that it could continue to serve farmers and producers in a 21st century economy. Georgia Grown — the Department's marketing and economic development arm — was revitalized as a business-minded program that seeks to help Georgia producers find new markets and consumers. With over 800 license holders in the areas of production, processing, retail and agritourism, the Georgia Grown brand's economic impact can be seen in every corner of the state and beyond. As part of the Department's new goal to bolster local economies and local food systems, the Department of Agriculture and Georgia Grown launched the Feed My School program which aims to connect local school systems with producers in their area. In recognition of these successes, Commissioner Black was named Georgia Trend Magazine's Georgian of the Year in 2017.

Despite all this, Gary W. Black would rather be referred to as Lydia's husband and Ward and Caroline's dad. He and Lydia continue to raise commercial beef cattle on his family farm in Commerce. The Blacks are also active in the Sunday school and music ministries of Maysville Baptist Church.