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April 10, 2019

Club Calendar

April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/11 Regular Meeting - Lisa Mitchell & Joey Blackburn, Crime Scene Investigator - Social Media-risk to kids & adults
4/18 Regular Meeting-GRSP Program
4/25 Regular Meeting - April Norton and Kenny Thompson
5/2 Regular Meeting - Laws of Life Program

Our Rotary Family

4/3 Krista Peace
4/8 Troy Rich
4/9 Melissa Thomas
4/13 Tom Hill
4/15 Jay Flowers
4/19 Scooter Grubbs, III
4/19 Niki Gatlin
4/20 Elijah Miranda
4/21 Fran Milberg
4/26 Irene Gleason
4/27 Wayne Newsome


4/13 Andy Jones (51)
4/13 Craig Wentworth (9)
4/16 David Flowers (14)
4/24 Janet Liles (37)
4/29 Tom Everett (13)


4/1 Andy Vann (30)
4/1 Bill Blackburn (43)
4/1 Frances Parker (24)
4/1 Wallace Goodman (26)
4/15 Charles Dixon (20)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 May 1, 1921
Active Membership: 140 FacebookInstagram

ROTARY CLUB OF Thomasville
PO Box 1277
Thomasville, GA 31799

President Andre' Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate Past President Teri White
Vice President Tom Callaway, III
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Chair Kim Walden
Foundation Chair Scott Rich
Membership Chair Ben Wilds
Public Image Chair Marta Turner
Sergeant-at-Arms Janet Liles
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Krista Peace

From the Desk of the President

This Week's Program
Lisa Mitchell & Joey Blackburn-SOCIAL MEDIA-RISK TO KIDS & ADULTS

Detective Lisa Mitchell: I have always had an interest in solving puzzles as it relates to the “who done it”. During college for Criminal Justice I did an internship with the Thomasville Police Department and after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in 1998 decided to apply for police officer. In 1999 I began working as a patrol officer with the agency. In 2005 an opportunity came up for officers that were interested in crime scenes to become certified crime scene techs. Over the course of eight months I completed the three hundred plus hours of course work and obtained crime scene certification. Upon completion I became part of the crime scene unit. I have taken numerous advanced crime scene classes over the years. Another major interest for me is diving. I obtained my dive certification in 1997 while attending college. In 1999 our agency started a mentoring program and paired kids with officers to allow the children and other officers the opportunity to learn to dive. I participated and was paired up with a female that years later joined our agency and has continued her career in law enforcement including becoming a member of our dive team. The dive team was developed in 2001 and over the course of a few years I was able to obtain my master dive certification. In 2007 I became the commanding officer of the Thomasville Thomas County Dive Team. To further enhance my dive career I obtained my Dive Instructor Certification in 2012. I have since taught some of the classes required for law enforcement divers. I am also a General Instructor with the State of Georgia and, a forensics computer/cell phone examiner with the United States Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force. I was recently awarded the “Top Forensic Examiner” for NCFI/USSS award for 2016 and 2018. In addition, I am part of several professional memberships that include the Georgia Division of the International Association for Identification, and Special Deputized U.S. Marshal. I have and continue to enjoy being part of a great organization which provides opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as the knowledge, skills, abilities, and opportunities to better serve the community through proactive partnerships.

Detective Joey Blackburn began his law enforcement career in 1991 with the Thomas County Sheriff’s Office where he served in several capacities such as, Detention Officer, Patrol Deputy, Crime Scene Investigator, Narcotics Investigator, Criminal Investigator, Patrol Sergeant, & Patrol Lieutenant. In April 2007, Detective Blackburn joined the Thomasville Police Department. While with this department, Detective Blackburn has accomplished the following; Patrolman, Certified Field Training Officer, Criminal Investigator, Certified Crime Scene Technician, General Instructor, & Driving Instructor, and a member of the GBI Crimes Against Children Task Force. Educational Background Associates Degree at Thomas University, and also completed the Police Management Program with Columbus State University.

Honoring our Local Heroes Next Cookout
Thomasville's CNS Lineman on Wednesday, April 17th

This will be held at Camp Piney Woods

Cooks are needed at 10:30 am

Setup will be at 11:000 am

Lunch to be served at 12:00 pm

Clean up should be completed by 1 pm

Last week's program
Randolph G. Russell, author of American History in No Time

We were given the opportunity to learn the basics of history and serenaded with "America."

Introducing our new
Rotaract Club

We need your help with the
Rotaract Service Project

CARE KITS for the Halcyon Home will be created by the Rotaract Club.

They have challenged the Rotary Club members to contribute. Their goal is to obtain 100 of each item. Donations can be dropped off during the club meetings on Thursday. The last day to collect items is Thursday, April 25th. Cash and Check are also being accepted.

Materials Needed are:
Combs, Towels, Tissue,
Floss, Shampoo, Conditioner,
Nail Clippers, Deodorant,
Razors, Soap, Toothbrushes,
Shaving Gel, Brushes, Soap,
and Feminine Products

ABC's of Rotary

First Names or Nicknames

From the earliest days of Rotary, members have referred to each other on a first-name basis. Since personal acquaintanceship and friendship are cornerstones of Rotary, it was natural that many clubs adopted the practice of setting aside formal titles in conversations among members. Individuals who normally would be addressed as Doctor, Professor, Mister, the Honorable or Sir are regularly called Joe, Bill, Mary, Karen or Charley by other Rotarians. The characteristic Rotary club name badge fosters the first-name custom. In a few areas, such as Europe, club members use a more formal style in addressing fellow members. In other parts of the world, mainly in Asian countries, the practice is to assign each new Rotarian a humorous nickname which relates to some personal characteristic or which is descriptive of the member's business or profession. A member nicknamed "Oxygen" is the manufacturer of chemical gas products. "Trees" is the nickname for the Rotarian in the lumber business, "Building" is the contractor, "Paper" is the stationery or office supply retailer. Other members might carry nicknames like "Muscles," "Foghorn" or "Smiles" as commentaries on their physical features. The nicknames are frequently a source of good-natured fun and fellowship. But whether a Rotarian is addressed by a given first name or a nickname, the spirit of personal friendship is the initial step that opens doors to all other opportunities for service.

Thursday, April 11th @ 5:30pm
Board Meeting TODAY

We will hold our monthly board meeting TODAY at Relish in the backroom at 5:30pm.

We need VOLUNTEERS for
Rose Show Set-up

Please consider volunteering Wednesday, April 24th for Rose Show table set-up.
See George Stephens for more information.