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April 23, 2019


April is Maternal and Child Health Month

4/25 Regular Meeting - April Norton and Kenny Thompson
5/2 Regular Meeting - Laws of Life Program
5/9 Regular Meeting-Foundation & Club Awards
5/16 Regular Meeting - Be the Voice

Our Rotary Family

4/3 Krista Peace
4/8 Troy Rich
4/9 Melissa Thomas
4/13 Tom Hill
4/15 Jay Flowers
4/19 Scooter Grubbs, III
4/19 Niki Gatlin
4/20 Elijah Miranda
4/21 Fran Milberg
4/26 Irene Gleason
4/27 Wayne Newsome


4/13 Andy Jones (51)
4/13 Craig Wentworth (9)
4/16 David Flowers (14)
4/24 Janet Liles (37)
4/29 Tom Everett (13)


4/1 Andy Vann (30)
4/1 Bill Blackburn (43)
4/1 Frances Parker (24)
4/1 Wallace Goodman (26)
4/13 Will Brown, III (0)
4/15 Charles Dixon (20)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President Andre' Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate PP Teri White
Vice President Tom Callaway, III
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Kim Walden
Foundation Scott Rich
Membership Ben Wilds
Public Image Marta Turner
Sergeant-at-Arms Janet Liles
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Krista Peace

From the Desk of the President

Don't forget to bring your
Appetizers for District Conference Hospitality Suite

The Rotary Club of Thomasville is in charge of providing snacks for the hospitality suite at District Conference this year. We need YOU to sign up to bring something yummy to share with all the Rotarians of District 6900. We need sweet, salty, savory, whatever! And we need a supply for two days!

So...what's your best treat for parties? Don't forget to bring your appetizer in on Thursday, April 25th in a travel-friendly container (with directions if necessary). Kim Walden will be the contact person.

See the source image

Your help is greatly appreciated!

BLOOD DRIVE April 25th

We will have the blood mobile in front of the Plaza on Thursday, April 25th. Please sign up with Irene Gleason and give blood!

CNS Lineman Cookout a great success!

This Week's Program
April Norton and Kenny Thompson, Streetscape on West Jackson St

April and Kenny will present the City's plans for renovating the streetscape of West Jackson St from Madison to Remington. The project will start in May and complete in late fall.

Georgia Rotary Student Program & Awards

The Rotary Club of Thomasville is the Home Club of the Georgia Rotary Student Program. After observing the damage in Europe following WWII, the dream of Georgia Rotarian, Past District Governor William A. Watt of the Rotary Club of Thomasville, was that we would have world peace. He believed that “Peace through Understanding” would be possible if students from foreign countries would come to Georgia colleges and universities to study and develop a better understanding of their fellow man. Thus, the Georgia Rotary Student Plan was born in the spring of 1946, some 73 years ago, with the adoption by Rotary District 165, which covered all of Georgia. The rest is history. In the ensuing 73 years, 3,750 students, now from all over the world, have come to spend one year in Georgia and study at our colleges and universities. This extended hand, begun by our own Will Watt, has translated into an inestimable wealth of good will and understanding between Georgia and countries around the world. Many of these students have risen to positions of honor and prominence in their own countries, which allows them to promote their friendship with Georgia Rotarians throughout their nation. Our own Rotary Club here in Thomasville has sponsored 89 of those students. Felipe Fernandes Lopez from San Paulo, Brazil was the GRSP student for 2018-2019 and Rotarians Arlen and Doris Yokely served as host parents for the year. Felipe attended Valdosta State University for the two semesters funded by the Rotary Club of Thomasville. Our gifts to the Georgia Rotary Student Plan allow our Endowment Fund to continue to grow and support the costs of tuition and housing for the GRSP students. The Endowment Fund is necessary to ensure that we continue to have funds to continue this “one of a kind” program in the Rotary world. The vision of Will Watt continues to pay dividends, not only to us in Georgia, but also to the whole United States, in the form of good will and understanding to us from the nations of the world.

GRSP Report of Donations to Endowment Fund for 2018-2019:

I thank all of our Club members for their generous donations to the GRSP Endowment Fund for 2018-2019. As of March 22, 2019, our GRSP Endowment donations for the Rotary year, were $28,887.00, an all-time record in annual giving from our Club. Donations exceeded our goal of $25,000 by $3,887.00, which is $2,259.67, a 9.3% increase over last year’s donations of $26,627.33. 100% of our members are donors, 127 members have earned the levels of Sustaining and above with 40% of members, 57 individuals, earning Will Watt Fellow levels and above. This year’s per capita giving, calculated based on each of our 140 members, is $206.34. We are pleased to announce for the benefit of our President, Andre’ Marria, that at this point in the Rotary year, this puts us in first place in per capita giving for Clubs our Size in District 6900, and in line to receive the Jake Cheatham Award at District Conference. We are also appreciative that our level of giving enables over $3,000 to return to the Club in the form of a credit on next year’s GRSP bill, which will especially excite next year’s President, Kim Waldon and our Club Board. We are also very proud to inform Club members that our of giving to GRSP overtime is nearing $500,000.00 [a half million dollars] with $445,846.07 in current donations.

Safe Travels to our members attending
District Conference-April 25-28th in Sandestin this weekend

Go support the
Rotary Youth Tennis Tournament

The 2019 Rotary Youth Tennis Tournament will be held on Saturday, April 27th at Glen Arven Country Club.

This is significant Youth Services event for our club with a long history. Over 50 young tennis players from Georgia and neighboring states will compete during the full day.
Thomasville Rotarians not attending the District Conference are encouraged to attend the tournament to see the action and show our support! It's a big event of good tennis!

Image result for Clip Art Tennis Tournament

Project completed from
Brookwood Interact Club-Food fo an orphanage in the Ukraine

Please extend our deep thanks to the Thomasville students who raised $350 for orphaned children in Ukraine. You’ll see the receipts for the food supplies that were purchased for the children, and also another photo of the children at the orphanage standing in front of those supplies.

Perlynka children with the food purchased with the funds from the Brookwood Interact Club.

ABC's of Rotary

THE ROTARIAN and Regional Magazines

The month of April is annually designated as "Rotary's Magazine Month," an occasion to recognize and promote the reading and use of the official RI magazine, THE ROTARIAN, and the regional magazines. THE ROTARIAN has been around since 1911 as the medium to communicate with Rotarians and to advance the program and Object of Rotary. A primary goal of the magazine is to support the annual theme and philosophy of the RI president and to disseminate information about new and special programs, major meetings and the emphasis of the several official "months" of Rotary. THE ROTARIAN provides a forum in which both Rotary-related and general interest topics may be explored. The magazine serves as an excellent source of information and ideas for programs at Rotary club meetings and district conferences. Many articles promote international fellowship, goodwill and understanding. Regular readers usually have superior knowledge of the activities of Rotary and how each Rotarian may be more fully involved in the Four Avenues of Service around the world. In addition to THE ROTARIAN there are 27 regional magazines printed in 21 languages. Although each regional publication has its own unique style and content, they all provide Rotarians with up-to-date information and good reading in April- and all through the year.

See the source image

Don't miss
Whine or Wine @ Hubs & Hops, Tuesday May 7th

First Tuesday of the month from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. It's a great time to get to know one another and it is a make up!