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May 1, 2019


May is Youth Service Month

5/2 Regular Meeting - Joe Regina, Band Director at Thomasville High School Concert Band & District Conference Review
5/9 Regular Meeting-Foundation & Club Awards
5/16 Regular Meeting - Be the Voice
5/23 Regular Meeting

Our Rotary Family

5/1 Nathaniel Abrams
5/10 Craig Wentworth
5/15 Angela Williamson
5/17 Charlene Parrish
5/20 Thomas Carlton
5/25 Bill Blackburn


5/4 Frank Helms (13)
5/4 Barbara Williams-Anderson (20)
5/8 Danny Braddy (123)
5/15 Angela Williamson (9)
5/17 Charlene Parrish (123)
5/18 Kurt Stringfellow (17)
5/21 Susan Backofen (42)
5/21 John Blackmon (31)
5/22 Eric Ward (15)
5/23 Marta Turner (27)
5/26 Lorraine Williams Rahming (3)
5/29 Dan Bain, III (55)


5/1 Eugene McNease (41)
5/1 Oscar Mims (64)
5/1 Bruce Muller (23)
5/4 Bob Drummond (2)
5/5 Dicky Demott (4)
13 years in Rotary
5/7 Stuart Jackson (5)
16 years in Rotary
5/11 Warren Ballard (2)
5/11 Ray Thompson (2)
7 years in Rotary
5/22 John Bracey, Jr. (4)
35 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President Andre' Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate PP Teri White
Vice President Tom Callaway, III
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Kim Walden
Foundation Scott Rich
Membership Ben Wilds
Public Image Marta Turner
Sergeant-at-Arms Janet Liles
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Krista Peace

This Week's Program
Joe Regina, Band Director at Thomasville High School Concert Band & District Conference Review

Thank you to the Rose Show Set-up Volunteers

We had five Rotarians help with the Rose Show Table Set-up last Wednesday. Thank you to each who took time to volunteer. Our tables were covered in just a couple of hours. Plan on joining us next year!

2018-19 District 6900 Category IV Sheffield Recipient-President Andre' Marria

We are so proud to have our Sixth President in the Sheffield Society!

From the Desk of the President

I want to personally thank The Rotary Club of Thomaville, our awesome board of directors for making this an outstanding year that was recognized at District Conference!

Special Thanks to my Rotarian Sister Friend Teri Hurst White, who has walked with me everyday, Scott Rich for making sure I stayed focused on the goal and my mentee Adrian Burns for ensuring we caught every moment just right. We have two months to go! Let continue our focus on excellence!

Rotary Club of Thomasville - 2018-19 District 6900 Club of the Year Runner-Up

Look at that BLING we brought home!
District Conference was all about the Rotary Club of Thomasville

Jake Cheatham Award

Best Community Project Runner Up-

Best Club Administration

Best Public Image

Best Senior Project - Rotary has Heart

Best Rotary has Heart

Best Bulletin Runner Up

Best Rotary Foundation per captia Runner Up

Best Membership Retention

Best Membership Growth Runner Up

By Gary Bennett, PP of the Rotary Club of Kelowna
10 Things we can all do to grow Rotary

Fortunately, The Four-Way Test and the Rotary Code of Conduct, can help us in building that positive experience. They are all about treating people fairly, building better friendships, and creating goodwill. These principles go far beyond Rotary. They are the backbone of judicial systems around the civilized world and the envy of anyone living under totalitarian rule. These are the things people are drawn to. If our clubs are perceived to operate under these principles in our community, people will be drawn to us.

Here are ten things every member can do to create a positive experience:

  1. Apply The Four-Way Test and Code of Conduct in your lives and in your club proceedings. Before judging or expressing a point of view, sending an email, taking any action, find out the facts of a situation. After doing that, determine if an action is fair to all, will build goodwill and better friendships, and will be beneficial to all concerned. If not, don’t act.
  2. Become an advocate for policies and practices that are based on truth, fairness, inclusivity, and diversity.
  3. Always greet members with warmth and interest.
  4. Treat members with the respect you would like to get.
  5. Take the time to listen and evaluate diverse opinions and defend the right of members to express a view different from yours.
  6. If you have a concern with another member, speak to them personally. Don’t send a complaining email.
  7. Before you send an email or communicate with others, make sure the assertions you are making are based on fact. Always use an appropriate tone. Ask yourself, is it fair and will it build goodwill and better friendship?
  8. Get involved and spread the news about Rotary’s good work.
  9. If someone expresses a concern about Rotary, listen and see what you can do to correct the situation.
  10. None of us are perfect. We all can display poor judgment at times. If you find you’ve made a mistake or offended someone, apologize as soon as possible. Not only will your action be good for Rotary, but you will gain respect for doing so.

The above is not an all-inclusive list; you may have ideas to add to it. Share your ideas with others.

I believe if we as individual Rotarians all adopt the strategies above, we will gain enormous respect and fondness from our Rotary peers, and each of us will be much happier being part of an organization that operates in this manner. Moreover, our club’s reputation for being welcoming and fair will spread throughout our communities. This will result in people gravitating toward Rotary who are seeking fellowship and an opportunity to serve their community. Getting and keeping members will become much easier.

Rotary Jr Tennis Tournament Recap

Our Rotary tournament 4/27 - 4/28 was a great success on and off the court!

70 junior participants
115 singles & doubles matches played
Players & families visited from Santa Rosa Beach, Fl, Asheville, NC and Atlanta, GA
22 GACC juniors competed
GACC juniors won 5 singles titles (B12, B16, B18, G10 & G14) and 3 doubles titles!

ABC's of Rotary

International Responsibilities of a Rotarian

As an international organization, Rotary offers each member unique opportunities and responsibilities. Although each Rotarian has first responsibility to uphold the obligations of citizenship of his or her own country. membership in Rotary enables Rotarians to take a somewhat different view of international affairs. In the early 1950s a Rotary philosophy was adopted to describe how a Rotarian may think on a global basis.

Here is what it said:

"A world-minded Rotarian:
. looks beyond national patriotism and considers himself as sharing responsibility for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace;

. resists any tendency to act in terms of national or racial superiority;

. seeks and develops common grounds for agreement with peoples of other lands;

. defends the rule of law and order to preserve the liberty of the individual so that he may enjoy freedom of thought, speech and assembly, and freedom from persecution, aggression, want and fear;

. supports action directed toward improving standards of living for all peoples, realizing that poverty anywhere endangers prosperity everywhere;

. upholds the principles of justice for mankind;

. strives always to promote peace between nations and prepares to make personal sacrifices for that ideal;

. urges and practices a spirit of understanding of every other man's beliefs as a step toward international goodwill, recognizing that then are certain basic moral and spiritual standards which will ensure a richer, fuller life."

That is quite an assignment for any Rotarian to practice in thoughts and actions!

Image result for a world minded rotarian

Do you have any Program Ideas for next year?

We have had some super programs this year. Thank you JAY FLOWERS for all of your hard work lining up great speakers.

Jay Flowers

Do you have any ideas for programs for this upcoming year? Would you like to join the Program Committee and help Jay secure great talent for our future meetings? Our upcoming President Kim Walden wants to continue to give our club top notch presentations. Let Jay Flowers or Kim Walden know if you are interested in helping.

District 6900 Conference 2020



Beginning at the conclusion of the 2019 conference, register for the 2020 District Conference on Jekyll Island and enjoy a special limited-time, early bird rate of $220 for the Rotarian or $395 for the Rotarian and your spouse.

Join us from April 30-May 3, 2020 for the celebration of our Rotary District and the clubs that make it so special.

Thursday night - Taste of the District, featuring the hometown specialties of many of the D6900 Clubs.

Friday night - Jimmy's fish Camp, featuring Coastal Georgia native DG Jim's local seafood selection.

Saturday night - Kentucky Derby celebration and welcome for 2020-21 Governor Kirk Driskell

This special price is available for 20 days only and will expire on May 18. Don't miss your chance to CONNECT WITH GEORGIA ROTARY and save a few dollars at the same time!

Next Week's Program
The Rotary Foundation Recognition & Club Awards