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June 25, 2019


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/27 Regular Meeting-President Andre' Marria Swan Song & Induction of Officers & Directors for 2019-2020
7/4 No Meeting- Happy Independence Day!
7/11 Regular Meeting
7/18 Lou Alvaredo - Rotary Means Business

Our Rotary Family

6/1 Jeff Zoller
6/2 Bill Dickey
6/3 Susan O'Neal
6/4 Shanna Derby
6/5 Sharon Patrick
6/12 Pat McLeod
6/13 Danny Braddy
6/16 Charles Dixon
6/20 Warren Ballard
6/22 Russell Chubb
6/24 Jim Carter
6/25 Ben Wilds
6/25 Bradford Jackson
6/27 Kurt Stringfellow


6/4 John Glenn, Jr. (58)
6/7 Irene Gleason (22)
6/7 Powell Jones (33)
6/9 Adam Carvin (6)
6/10 Michele Arwood (30)
6/11 Dicky Demott (123)
6/14 Thomas Carlton (6)
6/15 Pat McLeod (44)
6/20 Philip Leabo, Jr. (13)
6/23 Homer Pankey (57)
6/24 Randy Watts (19)
6/24 Walter Gilbert (53)
6/28 Scott Rich (50)
6/29 Lisa Billups (28)


6/1 Harry Tomlinson (38)
6/1 George Stephens, Jr. (49)
6/1 Christy Cooke (1)
5 years in Rotary
6/27 Rob Milberg (17)
6/27 Bob Ackerman (5)
42 years in Rotary
6/30 Mike Bixler (5)
24 years in Rotary

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:15 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792 FacebookInstagram


President Andre' Marria
President-Elect Kim Walden
Immediate PP Teri White
Vice President Tom Callaway, III
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Foundation Kim Walden
Foundation Scott Rich
Membership Ben Wilds
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Public Image Marta Turner
Sergeant-at-Arms Janet Liles
Program Director Jay Flowers
Sergeant-at-Arms Krista Peace

This Week's Program

Special Presentation by three young men from the Kappa League. Followed by Inductions for the 2019-2020 Officers and Directors.

From the Desk of the President

Parting Message:

My Fellow Rotarian,

“I may not have everything I want in life, but I’m blessed enough to have all that I need!”Being told you’re appreciated is one of the simplest and most uplifting things you can hear.Thank YOU, for letting me know!

“I am thankful for my struggles because without them I wouldn’t have stumbled across my strength.” Thank you for the honor you gave me to serve as your president this Rotary year.Any missteps taken on my part; I hope you have forgiven me.Any wins attributed to me or victories won, we won them together. It took all of us to win.There is strength in unity and preserving that unity in our club is of utmost importance.

“Be The Inspiration” was a theme I held high as our mantra! As we journey into our new year, I challenge the new leadership as they direct us to not forget the outstanding wisdom that reside in our club and especially our past presidents. Please utilize them.As you move in new directions, do not throw the baby out in the wash.Remember, “He who stands on the shoulder of a Giant can see further than the Giant.”Stand and embrace the knowledge here!

It was Past District Governor Fran Milberg that encouraged me to attend my first district conference, I saw the big picture and drank the cool aid. It was past president John Glenn, who would not let me leave the club when I retired in 2008, telling me, “You have the means financially, so you will stay in this club!” I remained and look where we are now!Past President Joe Brown gave me his Playbook and we are Club of the Year Runner Up! Past President Scott Rich held me accountable on reaching my personal goal and because of him, we held our first Community Basketball Fundraiser. We did it and won the respect of a community that felt unimportant and disregarded. Today we’ve gained their respect and they are now educated on our mission and purpose and want inclusion. Finally, it was Past President Teri White, who believed in me, chose me for president-elect and challenged me to become a Sheffield Winner. Look what happened!We have diversity in our club, increased awareness in our larger community and I am the 2018-2019 Sheffield Leadership Recipient. Let’s not lose the momentum!

I will always be a humble servant, and Rotarian who is committed to this club, community, and humanity.I will continue to inspire, encourage others to make a difference and be about the business of “Doing Good In the World.” All I ask of you is to “Be The Inspiration!”

Peace & Blessings,



July 4th falls on a Thursday this year. Celebrate with your family! We will NOT have a Rotary meeting that day.

Image result for Happy 4th of July


Beginning Thursday, July 11th, our regular Rotary meeting will begin at 12:00p and end at 1:00p. This is a change from our usual 12:15p start to 1:15p.

Please make the necessary changes to arrive and have your meal fixed in order to start on time at 12:00p sharp.

See the source image

ABC's of Rotary

The Classification Principle

Virtually all membership in Rotary is based upon a "classification." Basically a classification describes the distinct and recognized business or professional service that the Rotarian renders to society. The principle of Rotary classification is somewhat more specific and precise. In determining the classification of a Rotarian it is necessary to look at the "principal or recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company or institution" with which an active member is connected or "that which covers his principal and recognized business or professional activity." It should be clearly understood that classifications are determined by activities or services to society rather than by the position held by a particular individual. In other words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as "bank president" but under the classification "banking." It is the principal and recognized activity of a business or professional establishment or the individual's principal and recognized business or professional activity that determines the classification to be established and loaned to a qualified person. For example, the permanently employed electrical engineer, insurance adjustor, or business manager of a railroad company, mining company, manufacturing concern, hospital, clinic, etc., may be considered for membership as a representative of the particular work he or she may be doing personally or as a representative of the firm, company or institution for which the professional service is being done. The classification principle also permits businesses and industries to be separated into distinct functions such as manufacturing, distributing, retailing and servicing. Classifications may also be specified as distinct and independent divisions of a large corporation or university within the club's territory. such as a school of business or a school of engineering. The classification principle is a necessary concept in assuring that each Rotary club represents a cross section of the business and professional service of the community. In 1995 the Council on Legislation permitted the admission of retired people who had never been in Rotary but would have been qualified. These individuals can be admitted as past service members and are the only Rotarians without a current or former classification.

For a list of current Rotary Club of Thomasville membership classifications, follow the link below.
