Every 3rd Thursday, as part of the Thomasville Rotary Club's Big Impact Project, Rotarians gather at Second Harvest to package produce to be distributed the following Saturday to members of the community. Last week's event was no different! We had a great turnout with Rotarians packaging produce and on Saturday, September 24th, 13 Rotarians and 2 Second Harvest staff members gathered together at the market. Response from the neighborhoods in the Dewey City area was phenomenal! From 9:00 until 12:30, volunteers greeted participants, registered them, assisted them in their shopping, and restocked vegetables and fruits when needed. It was an amazing effort and every vegetable, fruit and protein on the truck were given away. Rotarians greeted some old friends and made new friends at the market.
More than 150 households representing 566 individuals were served by this amazing effort! At least 250 came to shop, many couples or parents/children from the same household. This most definitely is a BIG IMPACT PROJECT for our community!