As you plan your calendar for the next several weeks, keep these additional upcoming Rotary activities in mind.
Thursday, Feb. 6: Blood Drive If you typically give blood at Rotary, please contact OneBlood as you usually do to schedule your appointment. The blood mobile will be at Vashti.
Thursday, Feb. 6: Wine or Whine Drop in at the Plaza between 5:30 and 7 p.m. for casual conversation with fellow Rotarians, spouses and potential new members.
Wednesday, Feb. 19: Coffee Chat No agenda, no timeline. Grab coffee to go or sit and chat with fellow Rotarians at Grassroots Coffee anytime between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m.
Thursday, Feb. 20: Pack & Sort at Second Harvest
Saturday, Feb. 22: Free Produce Market at Weston Park