Service Opportunity
Join the Rotary Club of Atlanta in Honduras - March 6-13

The 20th annual Atlanta Rotary Club trip to rural Honduras is scheduled for March 6 through 13, 2021, pending the reopening of Honduras to foreign visitors. Rotarians from other clubs are welcome to join the trip.

According to Rotary International, the Atlanta club’s trip is the largest Rotary club sponsored mission trip in the world, averaging more than 50 travelers each spring. The group has built schools and continues to work on education, healthcare, economic development and water projects each year.

The core of the group is from the Rotary Club of Atlanta, but members from all over the state and the South have been on trips. Notable Rotarians from other clubs include Paul Ray from Alpharetta who leads the clean water project, Lynn Clarke from Bremen who maintains school computers, and Vince Dooley from Athens who has the school soccer field named for him. Regular travelers from the Atlanta club include Bob Hope, who organizes the trip, Blake McBurney, Dave Moody, Clark Dean, John Lucht, Mike Passilla, David Allison and Paul Morris, among others. Each year the group delivers enough medicines on its trip to cover the medical needs of the rural Agalta Valley for a year. The group has raised and donated over $2 million to support education in the Agalta Valley.

The cost of the trip is $850 to cover all expenses once in Honduras. Travelers book their own airfare in and out of Tegucigalpa. Anyone interested should email Bob Hope at bhope@hopebeckham.com

Posted by Bob Hope
August 3, 2020


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