Thursday, July 11
Club Assembly

The Plaza, 12:15 p.m.

This is the first official meeting of the new year and a new year is bringing some changes to our meetings.

At tomorrow's meeting, you'll notice differences in our meeting format. We'll be blending the old and the new, honoring our traditions, but also shaking things up a bit here and there. For our Club Assembly tomorrow, our directors will share an energetic and fun look at their areas of service, all in keeping with this year's theme: The Magic of Rotary. Our members will be asked to participate in several ways, so please plan to attend to learn all about what to expect throughout the year.

You'll also see some changes in our physical space in our meeting room at the Plaza. Starting tomorrow, the table at the room entrance will be a resource for whatever you may need: a one-stop shop for member services. In addition to checking in and registering guests, as usual, we'll offer technical support and an easy way to check and pay your dues. You will also find sign-up sheets for events, care cards to sign, raffle tickets, etc.

Posted by Marta Jones-Turner
July 10, 2024


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