Coat and Blanket Drive

Throughout the month, Rotary is collecting new and gently used coats and blankets to support the Thomas County Food Bank’s Coat Closet.

Please bring coats and blankets to any meeting this month or contribute money to help purchase new coats. Cash donations will help the organization buy coats and blankets at discounted prices. Even a $5 or $10 donation can buy a coat or blanket.

Rotary has supported the Coat Closet almost since the launch of the Thomas County Food Bank about 20 years ago. The Coat Closet is open from mid-October through early December during regular food bank hours. Volunteers schedule Food Bank clients to “shop” for coats for their families. Children are offered coats annually and adults can get them every two years. Blankets are distributed as needed. All clients meet income and circumstance qualifications for food assistance.

Typically, the coat closet provides more than 1,000 coats and several hundred blankets every year.

Please bring your donations to any Rotary meeting in September or drop them by Brigit Smallwood’s office.

Posted by Marta Jones-Turner
September 5, 2024


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