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January 29, 2020


January is Vocational Service Month

1/30 DGND Kirk Driskell Visit
2/6 Regular Meeting
2/13 ALLEN Cheney and Ryan Smith, making movies in Thomasville.
2/20 NO LUNCH Meeting TODAY! Join us for Cocktails & Commerce this evening at 5:30 pm

Our Rotary Family

1/1 Paul Hancock
1/1 Ellis Jackson
1/1 Randy Watts
1/3 Adam Carvin
1/6 Terry Rouse
1/7 Kim Walden
1/8 Julie Carter
1/9 Teri White
1/9 Carol Jones
1/9 Frances Parker
1/10 Debbie Quinton
1/13 Al Park
1/13 Hinson Arwood
1/16 Ray Thompson
1/16 John Archer, Sr.
1/21 Erik von Hellens
1/21 Tim Filston
1/22 Susan Backofen
1/23 Nate Tyler
1/25 John Brown
1/25 Shelba Sellers


1/6 Mike Bixler (47)
1/9 Bob Drummond (38)
1/14 Wayne Newsome (41)
1/17 Debbie Goodman (39)
1/17 Wallace Goodman (39)
1/18 Howard Stephens (50)
1/20 Warren Stafford (57)
1/24 Clay Campbell (39)


1/1 Powell Jones (34)
39 years in Rotary
1/1 Ed Elam, III (39)
1/1 Richard Vann (24)
1/1 GRSP Admin (3)
1/9 Paul Hancock (6)
1/10 Nathaniel Abrams (7)
1/14 Scott Smith (12)
1/15 Vann Middleton (5)
1/17 Mary Collins (9)
12 years in Rotary
1/24 Charlene Parrish (18)
1/26 Claire Bowen (3)
1/28 Chris Huckans (4)
1/29 Adam Carvin (5)
1/31 Dawna Bicknell Tanner (1)
1/31 Lorraine Williams Rahming (1)

Rotary Online



Thursdays, 12:00 pm
The Plaza Restaurant
217 South Broad Street
Thomasville, GA 31792


President Kim Walden
President-Elect John Brown
Immediate PP Andre Marria
Vice President Terry Rouse
Treasurer Teri White
Treasurer Rick Piper
Secretary Angela Williamson
Membership Adam Carvin
Foundation John Glenn, Jr.
Sergeant-at-Arms Danny Braddy
Program Director Jay Flowers
Bulletin Editor Susan Backofen
Sergeant-at-Arms Mary Beth Donalson
Public Image Mike Bixler

This Week's Program

District Governor Kirk Driskell, Rotary Club of Alpharetta will visit our club Thursday and share his story and work with addiction.

Kirk is from the Rotary Club of Alpharetta and is our District Governor Nominee Designate, to serve as Governor in 2020/2021.

Kirk was president of the Alpharetta Club in 2015/2016. He served as District Service Chair in 2016/2017 and is presently serving as an Assistant Governor. During Kirk’s year as president, Alpharetta won a number of awards, including Best Club and Best Membership Growth; Kirk himself won the Sheffield Award, which recognizes the top president in each of the four club categories for that year. Kirk grew up in the Alpharetta club, where his father Ken was a charter member and past president. Continuing the family tradition, his daughter Cambri recently launched an Interact Club at Kings Ridge Christian School with close to 50 of her peers.

Professionally Kirk is an entrepreneur, having established or acquired and managed successful business in real estate, dog breeding, and auto services. Beyond his family and his faith, his true passion in life is helping others, especially men struggling with addiction. All who know him say Kirk is a remarkable man who truly walks his talk.

Kirk is married to Deena and they have three children, Cambri (15), Knox (13) and Knowlton (10)

Over 200 people lose their life to addition each day.

Kirk Driskell from Vision Warriors - War on Addition will speak to us about the important work they are providing to men wanting to recover from addiction.

Vision Warriors is a faith community rooted in accountability and transparency. They are a safe place for men to share, feel and express their deepest passions, fears and pain without a filter.

Vision Warriors is a non-profit organization focused on creating lasting recovery because they believe there is more to recovery than a sobriety date. Vision Warriors is comprised of men that have experienced the pain of addiction and the hope of recovery in Jesus Christ.

RLI a HUGE Success!

A BIG thank you to all who assisted with this wonderful event. We had a great turn out and many of our members attending. We appreciate you giving time on your Saturday to an important Rotary event!

January Students of the Month

Congratulations! Pictured above are our September Students of the Month.From Left:

Katie Tabb, representing the Thomasville City Scholar’s Academy.Nicholas Grave de Peralta, Thomasville City High School’s Technology Student.Zachary Goff is our Technology Student from Thomas County Central High School.Lilly Jackson is our Brookwood Award winner.Josh Stephens represents Thomas County Central High School in Academics.Congratulations again to these award recipients.Please congratulate them if you see them out and about!

Let's Grow Rotary
Leap Into Rotary Social at the Chamber is an event to share the awesomeness of Rotary with others!

Have you invited a guest to Rotary this Year? Or do you know someone who would be a great Rotary member?

INVITE THEM to our Leap Into Rotary event at the Chamber on Tuesday, February 20 from 5:30 - 7:30!

Tisk/Task and Everfan

Thank you Scott Chastain for an interesting presentation on extremely short notice! Scott is an entrepreneur and resident of Thomasville.


In 2011, Scott had an idea. It was a somewhat unusual idea, that centered around fandom, superhero capes, and Auburn University. After 8 months of trial and error and mastering the labyrinth of collegiate licensing regulations, Everfan launched with a superhero kit that included a cape, eyemask, power bands, and shirt for 5 universities.

Fast forward a few years and Everfan started getting requests for custom designs and bulk orders. With new opportunities to work with large companies like MTV and Chick-fil-A, as well as build partnerships with nonprofits such as Heart Heroes, CASA, and Love Your Melon, Everfan began to evolve. Scott saw the power within his products and the demand from a different audience for customizable Everfan gear. Today, Everfan specializes in a host of playful and customizable products that engage people of all ages!

If you would like to nominate a Super Hero for recognition, please visit the Everfan site for details! https://everfan.com/


Scott has now begun to develop a platform for schools to provide real-life problem solving opportunities to students. Tisk/Task is helping to create experienced change makers and create excitement around our local community and helping it to grow. They are changing the world by equipping the next generation of problem solvers. They connect students with relevant real-world challenges. Students develop workforce skills by solving problems from real organizations. Trained moderators guide student through the process of implementing real-world problems solutions.

For more information or to participate in this exciting community project, visit https://www.tisktask.org/